Sunday, July 19, 2009

We are All prey

A new favorite short clip for me these days is "Target Women". Sarah Haskin does an excellent job of exposing the type of messages that assume a certain stereotype of women, even today.

The Age of Missing Information, written in the early 90's is interesting in that in depicts just how far the content on the air waves will go to convince you of adopting a reality they want you to have. Where have things gone in the past 17 years? Now when we go to the washroom at the local White Spot I stare at the Pantene Pro V commercial that I probably saw watching "Wake Up Vancouver" and in the Daily newspaper on my way to work. Before I go to bed, I might watch CSI and see an ad for that same product 3 times. My capacity to deal with various needs is crippled under the abundance of stuff that I am told I need. Better hair, better job, better family, better butt...the list goes on. Amidst this all, and the pressure to operate in an urbanized society, do I really need to go outside??

My Ecological Identity tells me that I do, that we all do. The strongest bonds I have made with people have occurred in the outdoors. That point of reference for building enduring relationships has been irreplaceable. I suspect that if most activists spent as much time together outdoors as they do brainstorming campaign strategies in the boardroom, much more would be accomplished in the long run.

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