Saturday, July 25, 2009

Environmental Communication Research - Will a journal aid the journey?

I would have taken for granted that a journal specifically dedicated to debating and testing hypothesis related to Environmental Communication Research exists.

It just seems like such an obvious piece to analyze. What will bridge the gap between environmental science and environmental policy?

(and in flies comes Al Gore with his red cape)

I assumed the article, The literature of environmental communication, from the Public Understanding of Science magazine was about how the story of Environmental Communications is pervading (judging by the title). I assumed it would look more specifically at the international reaction of the IPCC reports, as this paper is following the third assessment (now that I have noted the date of the article publications at 2002).

As a Canadian I feel constantly alerted and warned about the increasing likelihood of the impending consequences of climate change, (droughts, floods, rising sea levels and loss of shoreline property). How is the story being told beyond the impact reports?? How are people receiving and responding to these stories?

As this article is 7 years old, I hope to discover that there is in fact a journal dedicated to the peer review study of how the world is absorbing climate change information. Oh, whatever, I will just google it.

This jounal is brand spankin’ new and looking for submissions to its 3rd volume.

Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture

I cannot really think of a more appropriate title.

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